The Small Business Festival 2018 workshops program will roll out across regional Victoria during August, providing ideas, information and networking opportunities to start, operate and grow a business. The festival workshops are a showcase for the successful year-round program that has helped thousands of prospective business owners to access the advice they need to make…

A Flurry Of Road Works Delivering Results In The ‘Green Triangle’

Drivers in south-western Victoria are already experiencing the benefits of upgrades to three vital regional freight routes in one of Australia’s major forestry, farming and mining regions, the ‘Green Triangle’, with the next phase of works due to start in September 2018. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Michael McCormack said extensive…

Justice Legislation Amendment (Family Violence Protection and Other Matters) Bill 2018

MS TIERNEY (Minister for Corrections) (11:32:07) — The government is continuing its historic work to transform Victoria’s response to family violence so that victim survivors are better supported and perpetrators are held to account. We have committed to implementing all to 227 recommendations of the Royal Commission into Family Violence, and through the 2017–18 budget invested an…

Corrections Amendment (Parole) Bill 2018

MS TIERNEY (Minister for Corrections) (11:57:06) — I will make some summation remarks, but before I do so I would like to extend my thoughts and condolences to Angela Taylor’s family and friends, and also indicate that my thoughts are absolutely with all of those who were injured and with the families and friends of those…

Corrections Amendment (Parole) Bill 2018

MS TIERNEY (Minister for Corrections) (12:49:28) — I was dealing with the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities in my summing up. I mentioned that the opposition had raised the issue of the statement of compatibility for this bill. The statement of compatibility considers that this bill limits rights in the charter, and that is based…

Corrections Amendment (Parole) Bill 2018

MS TIERNEY (Minister for Corrections) tabled following statement in accordance with Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006: In accordance with section 28 of the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Charter), I make this Statement of Compatibility with respect to the Corrections Amendment (Parole) Bill 2018 (Bill). In my opinion, the Bill,…

Corrections Amendment (Parole) Bill 2018

MS TIERNEY (Minister for Corrections) (17:36:23) — I move: That the bill be now read a second time. The main purpose of the bill is to enhance community safety by clarifying the application of the strict parole laws for prisoners convicted of murdering a police officer, including the prisoner Dr Craig Minogue. This is to reaffirm the…


The Victorian Government has awarded a $22,500 Stronger Regional Communities Plan grant to the Corangamite Shire Council to help build capacity for the many community groups in the shire. Labor Member for Western Victoria, Gayle Tierney announced the funding from the Stronger Regional Communities Plan, which supports community-led initiatives that build community capabilities or improve…