The Victorian Government has delivered on its promise to ban lightweight plastic shopping bags in Victoria to reduce plastic pollution and help protect the environment.
The ban will apply from 1 November bags being provided at point of sale by all retailers, including supermarkets, fashion boutiques, fast food outlets, convenience stores, and service stations and more.
The ban includes all lightweight plastic shopping bags with a thickness of 35 microns or less and includes bags made from degradable, biodegradable and compostable plastic.
The Victorian Government has listened to the community and the overwhelming number of responses during community consultation relating to the impacts of plastic on our environment and in support for a ban on lightweight plastic shopping bags.
Information about the bag ban has been made available for retailers, suppliers, local councils and community through media, websites, hotline services and visits to retail precincts across Victoria. .
The Victorian Government is taking action to reduce the impact of plastic pollution on our environment and is including a plan to tackle plastic pollution within Victoria’s circular economy policy and action plan.
Plastics in the environment break up into smaller and smaller pieces over time, becoming increasingly difficult to manage.
They can end up in our waterways, lakes and oceans — contributing to litter and posing a significant hazard to our marine life and contaminating our recycling systems.
For more information on the banning of lightweight plastic shopping bags visit:
Quotes attributable to Member for Western Victoria, Gayle Tierney
“Plastic pollution is an urgent environmental problem – the actions we take now will ensure Victoria has a clean and bright future.”
“Everyone can do their bit to help reduce the impact of plastic pollution on our local environment and remembering to take reusable bags when shopping is a small but important step in the right direction.”
“We are working to clean up our environment and improve our recycling system.”