Member for Western Victoria, Gayle Tierney has today welcomed a Brumby Government commitment to improve fishing opportunities in the Colac Otway region
Ms Tierney said money from Recreational Fishing Licenses (RFL) would fund four projects across the region, including:
– $7,939.00 for the installation of solar light over fish cleaning table at Apollo Bay boat ramp. Erect solar light over the fish cleaning facilities at the boat ramp.
– $21,575.00 for the construction of access stairs at Grey River on the Great Ocean Road. Construct stone stairs to improve angler-access to rock platform currently used by recreational anglers. Includes provision of angel ring.
– $27,795.10 for the construction of access stairs at Picnic Point, Wye River. Construct stone stairs for improved and safer angler access. Includes provision of angel ring.
– $50,514.00 for the construction of access stairs at Sturt Point, Wye River. Construct stone stairs for improved and safer angler access. Includes provision of angel ring.
Minister Responsible for Fisheries Joe Helper said the Brumby Government will fund 21 projects worth more than $1.2 million statewide.
“The Brumby Government is taking action to improve fishing opportunities for all Victorians,” Mr Helper said.
“Most of the funds will go towards improving facilities and access for recreational fishers and to recreational fisheries research projects.
“All of these projects are funded with recreational fishing licence revenue that is for use only on projects that improve fishing opportunities.”
Since the Recreational Fishing Grants Program was introduced in 2001, the RFL has funded more than 200 projects worth over $8 million.
For more information about the Victorian Recreational Fishing Grants Program visit or ring the DPI Customer Service Centre on 136 186.