To ask the Minister for Housing (for the Minister for Community Services): In relation to the Home Wise appliance and infrastructure grant (formerly the capital grant scheme):
(1) In the Surf Coast shire, what was the average value of grants made under the program in 2006.
(2) In the Surf Coast shire, what was the total dollar value of grants made under the program in 2006.
(3) In the Surf Coast shire, what was the number of grants made under the program in 2006.
I am informed that:
The Department of Human Services does not record and maintain Home Wise appliance and infrastructure grant data by region or local government area. The statewide data was as follows for 2006:
(1) The average value of grants is stated in the state concessions annual reports which can be accessed from the concessions website —
(2) The total dollar value of grants is stated in the state concessions annual reports which can be accessed from the concessions website —
(3) The total number of grants is stated in the state concessions annual reports which can be accessed from the concessions website —