Visitors to Corangamite libraries will soon benefit from the Victorian Government’s $46,562 grant to fund initiatives that support wireless internet and information security.
The member for Western Victoria, Gayle Tierney today announced the funding for the Corangamite Library Service as part of the Computer Management and Wireless Internet in Public Libraries Grants Program.
“This grant will help Corangamite local libraries to develop and enhance their ICT to meet community expectations through a range of programs, infrastructure and other features,” Ms Tierney said.
“The Brumby Government is taking action to improve library services across the state, by helping them bring their internet access up to modern standards, while providing information security to the increasing numbers of people going online in our libraries”
“Corangamite libraries are a very important hub for services for so many people and they are keen to ensure they adapt to new demands from their users.
Ms Tierney said that security was also a critical element of the program, to ensure public libraries offer safe computer access for users of all ages.
“As the popularity of using computer terminals and laptops in public libraries increases, we must be aware of the potential for misuse,” Ms Tierney said.
“Inappropriate material can be distressing to staff and other library users and unsafe email attachments and downloads can compromise IT infrastructure.
“That is why we have developed a set of guidelines, in consultation with the Public Libraries Victoria Network, which will further improve security for computer users and libraries.”
The Victorian Government has committed a total of $2 million to the Computer Management and Wireless Internet in Public Libraries Grants Program, which will be distributed to Victoria’s 45 public library services according to their population and the number of branches and mobile units in their area.
More than half of Victorians belong to their local library – making 650,000 visits each week and borrowing more than 50 million items every year.
“This initiative comes on top of another funding boost for public libraries in the 2008-09 State Budget of a record amount of $31.6 million, an increase of 5 per cent over the previous year,”
Ms Tierney said.