On Sunday I represented the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Bob Cameron, in handing over two medium tankers in the Golden Plains shire. The first tanker was handed over to Yvonne Perdrisat, the first woman captain of the Lethbridge Country Fire Authority (CFA) brigade. Yvonne is a driving force in the local community. Lethbridge is an extremely active community and had raised more than $53 000 towards the cost of the vehicle.
The second ceremony was held in Maude, where I handed keys to brigade captain David Stephens.
At both community gatherings we paid tribute to those who have worked tirelessly to raise funds and have volunteered their time and skills to the CFA. Both functions were well attended and all ages were represented, signifying that generational community custodial responsibility continues to be evident in Maude and Lethbridge. I thank the community members who approached me to talk about the recommendations of the bushfires royal commission. All those people indicated their support for the current round of community consultations and were looking forward to attending the session at Rokewood.