I rise to make a statement on the Deakin University annual report 2007. It is a
pleasure to stand and make a contribution here on the achievements of Deakin
University, as I have witnessed firsthand a number of announcements of many
exciting accomplishments and future endeavours of that university.
Recently I have attended two major events, the first being the
announcement by Premier Brumby of the development of jobs that will flow as a
result of the relationship between Deakin University and Satyam; and secondly,
the opening by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of Victoria’s first regional medical
The success of Deakin University is evident to all those
involved: the education fraternity who witness Deakin’s increasing level of
academic achievement; the research fraternity with Deakin’s tag as one of
Australia’s primary research institutions; and those with a passing interest in
its performance by the numerous announcements and achievements commonly seen in
the media — not just in Geelong but through the electorate and also in
From reading the 2007 report I would like to bring attention to
some major positive elements that may not necessarily require or warrant big
announcements or media coverage, but positives that signify the relevance of
Deakin University to Victoria — the positives that signify that Deakin
University is absolutely committed and in touch with the needs of Victoria,
particularly rural and regional Victoria.
As the report states, one of Deakin’s core commitments is to:
- work in partnership with local communities in Burwood, Geelong and
Warrnambool, and with governments, industry, business and the professions, to
advance the interests of Victoria and Australia; to champion equity and access;
and to be committed to providing flexible teaching programs; distance and online
education; workplace-based learning and continuing education; and research and
teaching programs that advance the needs of south-central and south-western
Some of the targets set and achievements accomplished in the
reporting period advance this core commitment, such as: the heads of agreement
that was established with the University of Ballarat to collaborate on joint
initiatives central to university education and research in regional Victoria,
which is just an incredible bonus for Western Victoria Region.
Another is obtaining Australian Medical Council accreditation
of Deakin’s graduate entry bachelor of medicine-bachelor of surgery degree,
which has established Victoria’s first regional medical school. It in turn will
teach students the skills to work in rural and regional Victoria and deliver the
best possible health care for the area.
Deakin has also strengthened its partnerships with local
communities by signing a memorandum of understanding with the City of Greater
Geelong and is working together on a whole range of social, cultural and
economic development issues in the area.
I would like to mention the ongoing commitment to making sure
there is a pool of students on the campus who come from rural areas, as well as
lower socioeconomic areas.
Deakin’s own statistics show that 20.7 per cent of the students
are from regional areas: this is 3.3 per cent above the state average and just
under 3 per cent above the national average.
Like a number of other providers, Deakin University is
particularly interested in the advancement of indigenous education. During the
reporting period Deakin was successful in securing a $1.4 million indigenous
scholarship program. Deakin is also awarding up to 21 scholarships to indigenous
students to address the current shortage of Aboriginal early childhood teachers
to work in kindergartens and day-care settings.
I have been particularly pleased with the groundbreaking
university industry collaborations that Deakin has been setting. It is a major
demonstration of what can be achieved in the region.
Deakin University continues to excel in partnerships and
positioning itself over and over again to be at the centre of a range of
transformations that are occurring in academia, vocational training — —
The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr Vogels) — Order! The member’s time
has expired.