Players from several sporting clubs in Teesdale, including the Teesdale Junior Football Club, Teesdale Tennis Club, Junior Netball Club and Cricket Club, will benefit from a new pavilion at the Don Wallace Reserve.
The Member for Western Victoria, Gayle Tierney, today officially opened the upgraded facility on behalf of the Minister for Sport and Recreation, James Merlino.
“This wonderful new pavilion enhances the previous smaller facility, which was struggling to cope with the increasing number of clubs and locals,” Ms Tierney said.
“There’s now more space for local clubs to host events, and accommodate more members thanks to the new social areas created by the upgrades.
“I’m sure this new pavilion will be the envy of visiting teams and their supporters,” Ms Tierney said.
The upgrade included the development of new change rooms, amenities and an improved social space for the tenant clubs.
The Victorian Government provided $60,000 towards the upgrades through the Community Facility Funding Program (CFFP). The Golden Plains Shire Council contributed almost $40,000 and the local community raised a generous $15,000, with an additional contribution of over $10,000 in-kind support.
“Local clubs are the lifeblood of rural communities and by working together we can develop fantastic new accessible facilities, such as this quality pavilion.” Ms Tierney said
“Back in 2004 the Victorian Government also contributed $50,000 from the CFFP to upgrade the tennis courts at the Don Wallace Reserve.
“This saw the addition of two asphalt courts; marked for tennis, basketball and netball; and lighting for two existing synthetic grass courts.
“Since 2004, the population of Teesdale and the use of the Reserve’s facilities have progressively grown, so the timing of the new pavilion could not have been any better.
“I encourage everyone, from the locals at the Teesdale Lions Club, to the kids at Teesdale Primary to take advantage of the new pavilion and the rest of the great facilities at the Reserve.
“By encouraging participation in exercise we can improve levels of physical activity to enhance a person’s overall health and wellbeing,” she said.
Since 2000, the Victorian Government has invested more than $170 million through the Community Facilities Funding Program towards more than 1870 community facility projects.