MS TIERNEY — To ask the Assistant Treasurer (for the Minister for Employment and Trade): In relation to the 34 redundancies to be made as a result of Goodman Fielder closing its bakery in Ballarat by November, what assistance will the Napthine government provide workers in Ballarat who will be affected by these redundancies.
I am informed that:
Goodman Fielder has advised the government that the closure of baking operations in Ballarat is part of an ongoing program of restructuring to improve manufacturing productivity and competitiveness across the company’s Australian baking network.
Goodman Fielder has consulted directly with affected employees and the relevant unions with regard to redundancies, an employee assistance program and out-placement services. There may be the opportunity for some of the Ballarat employees to be redeployed to other Goodman Fielder sites in Australia.
As part of responding to these job losses, my department has discussed with Goodman Fielder information sessions for affected employees with the relevant government agencies and service providers. This includes information regarding access to retraining opportunities under the Victorian Training Guarantee and potential job matching with businesses that may be seeking additional skilled employees in Ballarat.
My department is also liaising with Goodman Fielder regarding an information and career day for affected employees in October 2013.