The Cressy and District Neighbourhood Centre will be one of 29 Neighbourhood Houses to receive a $3350 grant to improve its services to the local community under the Brumby Government’s Neighbourhood House Foundation Grants program, Member for Western Victoria, Gayle Tierney said.
“The Brumby Government recognises the valuable contributions Neighbourhood Houses across the state make towards building stronger local communities,” Ms Tierney said.
“Neighbourhood Houses are places where people can learn new skills, volunteer, find new pathways to employment, improve their literacy skills and get to know others in their community.”
The grants are aimed at those Neighbourhood Houses and community and learning centres that currently do not receive on-going State Government funding.
The Cressy and District Neighbourhood Centre will also be able to operate for an extra five hours per week thanks for the new funding.
“In an average 40 hour week, Victorians make three million visits to Neighbourhood Houses to participate in classes, programs or activities. Neighbourhood houses receive on average one million telephone calls or emails each week,” Ms Tierney said.
“As well as providing extra support for Cressy and District Neighbourhood Centre these grants will assist organisations across the state so they can continue to support individuals and families to build a better future for themselves and their communities.”
“Neighbourhood houses are managed by local volunteer committees and paid staff. They offer many opportunities for participation in all aspects of the house activities and management, and create opportunities for residents who want to contribute to their neighbourhoods.”
The extra funding was announced by Local Government Minister Richard Wynne on October 9th at the Riddells Creek Living and Learning Centre.