My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Sport, Recreation and Youth
Affairs in the other place, and it relates to an application put forward by the
Corangamite Shire Council for the replacement of an existing playground at
Grimwade Park in Lismore with a much more modern playground.
The playground area has traditionally been well utilised by the
local community and particularly by the passing traffic. As I have previously
mentioned in the house, Lismore is a great spot to stop on a long trip and grab
a coffee, use the amenities and stretch your legs. Many use Grimwade Park as an
opportunity for children to run around before they get back in the car.
In June last year I was in Lismore and made the announcement of
$90 000 of government funding for the Lismore small township revitalisation
project, which was funded through the Small Towns Development Fund. I believe
the new playground facilities the Corangamite shire is now seeking will be a
perfect adjunct to the work that is currently being planned in that town.
In 2002 the Corangamite Shire Council adopted a playground
policy and development plan and it has been really active and proactive in
upgrading and developing playgrounds across the shire at Skipton, Noorat,
Camperdown and Simpson. On this occasion I urge the minister to support the
funding application by the Corangamite Shire Council for the Lismore community
playground upgrade.
Mr O’Donohue — On a point of order, President, I seek your
guidance as to exactly what the member was requesting. An application for
funding is before the minister. I understand there would be an objective set of
criteria for the minister to consider in making a decision about that funding
request, and therefore I am unclear as to exactly what the member is requesting.
The PRESIDENT — Order! I will hear the rest of what Ms Tierneyis saying.
Mr O’Donohue — She is finished.
Ms TIERNEY — I have finished, but as I have done on
previous occasions, I am lobbying on behalf of constituents.
The PRESIDENT — Order! There is no need for an explanation.