MS TIERNEY (Minister for Training and Skills) — I rise to update the house on the Andrews Labor government’s investment in Victoria’s TAFE system and in particular the Holmesglen Institute of TAFE. Last Thursday I had the pleasure of joining the member for Bentleigh in the Legislative Assembly, Nick Staikos, to officially open the new $8 million state-of-the-art student hub at Holmesglen Institute’s Moorabbin campus. The hub features student support and information services, meeting and conference spaces for industry training collaboration and open-plan learning spaces with the latest technology, including interactive LCD screens.
The student hub is located between the TAFE and the recently opened Holmesglen Private Hospital, making it accessible for both students at the TAFE and the hospital. The hospital is a partnership between Holmesglen Institute and Healthscope, which offers general surgery and emergency services and provides clinical training for students in nursing, physiotherapy and allied health.
Earlier this year Holmesglen received $12 million from the Stronger TAFE Fund. The fund is part of Skills First, which is allowing TAFEs to focus on what they do best: train students. Through Skills First the Labor government is overhauling Victoria’s training and TAFE system, guaranteeing funding to secure the future of TAFE and making sure Victorians have the right skills for the jobs of today and tomorrow. Labor’s record investment in Victoria’s TAFE and training system is rebuilding and growing our public TAFE institutes to better position them to provide the high-quality training necessary so that people can access great careers. This is changing the lives of everyday Victorians while also making sure industry has the skills it needs for the jobs of today and tomorrow.