Last Friday I had the pleasure of officially opening the $2.1 million redevelopment of the Koroit and District Primary School. The Brumby Labor government contributed $1.4 million to this redevelopment, and the federal government contributed $600 000.
The 200-strong audience heard a heartfelt and emotional speech by the principal, Ms Michelle Bickley, outlining the enormous amount of hard work and cooperation by the staff, the children, their families, the builders, the architects, the school council members and the Koroit community to bring about what truly is a magnificent educational facility.
On the day I was escorted around the school by school captains Sophie Webster, Thomas Heaysman, Liam Boyle and Ruby Halliday, whose faces beamed with pride for their new school and for the work they had done to create a great local school. I thank them for their leadership. Because of the sheer number of people who made this redevelopment possible I will not mention all involved individually. However, this project would not have been possible without their input. I particularly want to acknowledge and congratulate the Koroit and District School council and the principal, Michelle Bickley, for all of their hard work, patience, endurance and organisation skills.