MS TIERNEY (Minister for Training and Skills) (09:47:44) — I rise to update the house on the Andrews Labor government’s support for Victoria’s adult and community education providers known as Learn Locals. On 30 August 2018 I attended the 2018 Victorian Learn Local Awards and announced a new $5 million program to boost literacy, numeracy and language training for Victorians looking to gain the basic skills they need to succeed. The program will focus on students with high needs through an expansion of preaccredited courses, supporting them to have the best chance to get a job or undertake further training. The program also aims to build staff capacity through customised support so each Learn Local can broaden their offerings and provide greater support for more students. The program will assist more than 3000 learners over the next two years. It will be open to all 267 Learn Locals across Victoria.
The Andrews Labor government is supporting Learn Local providers to train more Victorians in the foundation skills needed to get a job or undertake further training. Learn Local providers make a huge difference in their communities by delivering adult community education programs. Learn Locals work at the grassroots to help people turn their lives around with programs for people of all ages and from all walks of life.
I take this opportunity to again congratulate Jenny Barrera, who won the 2018 Lynne Kosky Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement at the Victorian Training Awards this year. Jenny is the CEO of Wyndham Community& Education Centre Inc. She has dedicated her professional life to education, starting her work as a teacher with Indo-Chinese migrants arriving in Collingwood and Richmond in the late 1970s.
This government, the Andrews Labor government, is making record investments across the sector to give all Victorians the skills they need to get a job.