My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Local Government and relates to
the Brumby Labor government’s Living Libraries program. I have recently been
made aware of a funding application for $500 000 made by the Golden Plains Shire
Council to the state government’s Living Libraries program. This application
details the Bannockburn library development project, which is the development of
the first static library in Golden Plains Shire.
At present the entire Golden Plains Shire is serviced by a
fortnightly mobile library only. The Bannockburn library development project
will include the library, meeting rooms, outdoor children’s meeting area, youth
and children’s collection area, data and phone cabling and reception and
information areas.
The shire is currently in the process of constructing the
Bannockburn community and cultural hub, which will include facilities, programs,
spaces and experiences for all sections of the community. The Bannockburn
library project would also be located in this hub, contributing to the economic,
social and educational development of the Golden Plains community.
Bannockburn is the major township in Golden Plains Shire, but
it will be servicing 7000 people in the wider rural catchment area. This project
is essential to cater not only for the services and facilities needed now by the
Golden Plains community but also for the forecast population growth — it has
been estimated that there will be over 10 000 people in Bannockburn alone by
l appreciate that the Department of Planning and Community
Development has the responsibility for assessing the merits of the various
applications under this program, but I have no hesitation in
recommending the Bannockburn project for strong consideration. I urge the
minister to support the application made to the Living Libraries program by the
Golden Plains Shire for the Bannockburn library development project.
Mr O’Donohue — On a point of order, President, I seek your
clarification with regard to the matter raised by Ms Tierney. This is an issue which has
been raised previously. If I have understood Ms Tierney’s matter this evening,
it relates to an application for funding that has been submitted to the relevant
department, and she is asking the minister to support that application. I seek
your guidance as to whether that is in fact a request for action.
The PRESIDENT — Order! I ask Ms Tierney to clarify for me the
substance of her matter. She may correct me if I am wrong — it was to ask the
minister to support that application.
TIERNEY (Western Victoria) — It was, and it was also to give due
recognition that it goes through a proper process.
Essentially I was lobbying for the application to be supported
by the minister, but in recognition that it goes through the proper process as
The PRESIDENT — Order! I am assuming it is the minister’s
department that the member has addressed the matter to?
The PRESIDENT — Order! I have taken advice on this matter, and
I am of the view that it just gets there, but it was a reasonable point of order
to raise.