On 17 February I was in Lorne to announce the Brumby Labor government’s
contribution to the second stage of the Mountjoy Parade streetscape upgrade. The
$500 000 for the second stage will be used to expand and improve the public open space along the
Great Ocean Road within the retail and commercial centre of Lorne. This is an
appropriate investment, reflecting Lorne’s position as Victoria’s premier
coastal tourist town.
The works include reconstruction of road pavement and curb
alignment, installation of new street lighting, the undergrounding of overhead
powerlines and the enlargement of alfresco dining areas. This funding is on top
of the $356 621 the government provided for stage 1 of the redevelopment in
relation to urgent works undertaken prior to the 2006 world surf-lifesaving
championships in Lorne. This is a very important project for our small but
vibrant community in Lorne, and it is further evidence of the Brumby Labor
government’s commitment to rural and regional Victoria and tourism in this great