MS TIERNEY (Western Victoria—Minister for Training and Skills, Minister for Higher Education) (09:43:47): Today I congratulate Lorne P–12 College for its outstanding achievement in engaging students in the Victorian certificate of applied learning (VCAL).
Principal Shane Elevato and his staff deliver a program that is an exemplar to educators and schools in Western Victoria.
Their latest award, now among many, is the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority chair’s award recognising high-quality VCAL teaching and leadership.
Lorne P–12 is a regional and statewide leader in offering a hands-on alternative to the more academic VCE, succeeding in keeping more students at school through to year 12. Good VCAL teaching involves not just developing a connection with students but also engaging with the local community.
In Lorne the business community has provided great support for the school through vocational opportunities for students.