The State Member for Western Victoria, Gayle Tierney, today commended Moyne Shire Council for joining the Brumby Government’s online initiative to cut red tape.
Ms Tierney said 59 of the State’s 79 councils now offered the link to the Government’s business website
“This single website provides a one-stop shop that makes it easier to do business in Victoria,” Ms Tierney said.
“Businesses in Moyne Shire can easily access information from more than 200 federal, state and local government agencies.
“The site saves businesses time and money by reducing the effort involved in dealing with local, state and federal governments.”
Ms Tierney said businesses in Moyne Shire could gain an advantage by linking with the online service.
Victorian Small Business Minister Joe Helper said the service would help businesses save time on complying with regulations and offer invaluable Step-by-Step Guides for business, including:
• starting or buying a business;
• exporting;
• employing people;
• financial management;
• event management;
• food handling and safety.