To the Legislative Council of Victoria:
The petition of certain citizens of the state of Victoria draws to the attention of the house the state government’s decision to cease funding for the National Centre for Farmer Health. In particular, we note:
1. the likely closure of the National Centre for Farmer Health due to the Napthine government’s decision to cut its $1 million annual state government contribution;
2. the detrimental impact this funding cut will have on the health, safety and wellbeing of farm men and women, farm workers, their families and communities across Australia;
3. that the Napthine government’s decision to cut funding for the National Centre for Farmer Health will mean that the centre will no longer be able to carry out its important work, such as research, service delivery and community for farming communities across regional Victoria.
The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council urges the Napthine state government to immediately reinstate funding for the National Centre for Farmer Health and guarantee no further cuts will be made.
By Ms TIERNEY (Western Victoria) (112 signatures).
Laid on table.