On Wednesday, 19 March, I was at Ashby Primary School in Geelong West for National Ride2School Day. I have had the pleasure of attending Ashby Primary School on a number of occasions, and each time I visit the school the staff and students are brimming with enthusiasm and vigour. Last Wednesday was no different. Many students participated in National Ride2School Day by riding the whole way or part of the way to school.
The encouragement of active travel to school is important for our schoolchildren, with only 32 per cent of Australian students currently meeting the minimum physical activity guideline of 60 minutes of moderate to intensive physical activity per day. As well as improving the physical fitness and wellbeing of schoolchildren, active travel to school ensures that students arrive at school awake and alert, improving their concentration in class.
I take this opportunity to commend Ashby Primary School as well as every other school across Victoria that participated in this important program. I thank all the students who made me welcome on the day and the teachers who put in extra time and effort to support the ride to school program.