Member for Western Victoria, Gayle Tierney today announced that South West Coast’s indigenous community will be assisted to reduce family violence with a $65,000 grant from the Bracks Government.
Ms. Tierney said the grant will go to Gunditjmara Aboriginal Cooperative, Kirrae Health Service – Framlingham Aboriginal Trust and Windamara Aboriginal Corporation for new projects to raise awareness of the problem and encourage both victims and offenders to seek appropriate help.
“This grant delivers on the commitment the Bracks Government made to Victorians to meet the challenges of the future and invest in the services that matter to their families,” Ms. Tierney said.
“We promised to help indigenous communities to address family violence and today we are delivering funding for the development of local solutions to this crime.
“Research shows an Indigenous person in Victoria is eight times more likely to be a victim of family violence than a non-Indigenous person.
“We are giving Indigenous communities the resources and support to address the causes of family violence and raise public awareness.”
The funding is part of the Bracks Government’s $1.65 million commitment each year to support the implementation of the Victorian Indigenous Family Violence Strategy. Annual grants are provided through the Indigenous Family Violence Community Initiatives Fund to local Indigenous communities to address family violence.
The grants have been awarded to Victoria’s Indigenous organisations and community groups.
The projects in the local area to be awarded the new grants include:
• Gunditjmara Aboriginal Cooperative: Tracks to Stronger Communities
• Kirrae Health Service – Framlingham Aboriginal Trust: Kirrae Community Strengthening
• Windamara Aboriginal Corporation: Midway Retreat