My adjournment matter is for the attention of the Minister for Education, and the action I seek is that the minister join with me and visit Oberon High School in Belmont to take in the important work that school is doing and also to look at the future requirements of that school.
Oberon High has been in existence for over 52 years and has serviced the Geelong region exceedingly well. It is an excellent school from year 7 to year 12. At present the school population is around 700 students, and they are drawn from a very wide urban, rural and coastal area. Oberon High offers a diverse range of disciplines for students, including the Victorian certificate of education, vocational education and training and the Victorian certificate of applied learning, as well as school-based apprenticeships.
I have had a number of conversations with the minister regarding schools in my electorate and the work this government is doing to ensure that Victorian schools are of a 21st century standard. I know that the minister will also join me to visit Winchelsea Primary School in early December to discuss maintenance issues at the school, which escalated over three years — —
Mr Ramsay interjected.
Ms TIERNEY — During the previous government, Mr Ramsay. Schools in my electorate have been very pleased with the minister’s willingness to listen and act on issues, and now I seek that the minister visit Oberon, which will provide a great opportunity for him to see firsthand the good work that is being done there, the programs it runs and the support the school needs now and into the future.