Last Friday during Education Week I had the pleasure of representing the
Minister for Education in the other place, Bronwyn Pike, in officially opening
the major redevelopment project and the renewable energy demonstration unit at
the Port Fairy Consolidated School. The school now has a new library,
refurbished art room, canteen and administration and staffroom, along with eight
brand new learning studios. The learning studios will support teaching and
learning opportunities and are great examples of the Brumby Labor government’s
blueprint for government schools and Building Futures initiatives.
But what struck me most was the enthusiasm and confidence
displayed by all those involved in the school, including the students, staff,
parents and past students and staff.
It is a school that is proud of its history and understands the
importance of community. Earlier in the week the school had an open evening for
students to show family and friends their new school, and 300 people actually
ended up staying for a spit roast.
It is a school that understands that
responsibility, sustainability and the future of the local community go hand in
hand. That is also evident in all the hard work that has gone into the renewable
energy project and the zero waste program in the art room. It has been
inculcated into the culture of the school. I congratulate the principal, Lindy
Sharp, and her team for an outstanding job, and I thank them for their tireless
efforts inside and outside the school.