Glenelg Shire has received a $168,000 Brumby Government boost to improve local access to public transport and walking and cycling facilities.
The Glenelg on the Move project will be delivered thanks to joint funding from the Brumby Government’s TravelSmart and Local Area Access Program Grants and the Glenelg Shire.
“I am delighted to announce funding for this project, which will improve the area’s sustainable transport network and encourage people to leave their cars at home for short local trips,” Member for Western Victoria, Gayle Tierney said.
“The Brumby Government is taking action to deal with congestion and this program was established to encourage people to people to walk, cycle and use public transport to get around.
“The benefits are numerous, including less traffic congestion, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and a more physically fit community.
This project aims to educate and enable the Portland community, especially school children to commute using “active transport” on a regular and ongoing basis.
The project will also investigate and deliver a safe neighbourhood route to and from South and Central Portland especially for children attending local schools.
“These grants enable local groups to implement transport improvements that benefit our community and our environment,” Ms Tierney said.
Ms Tierney said that this funding is part of a $2.5 million boost for walking and cycling state-wide, as part of the TravelSmart and Local Area Access Program Grants,
“To date, the grants package had delivered over $5.2 million funding to more than 50 local projects across the state.
“The Brumby Government has allocated $29.8 million to extend the TravelSmart program over 10 years, and $16 million for the Local Area Access Program over four years,” she said.
“This is in addition to the $28.2 million allocated to walking and cycling initiatives under the Government’s congestion plan Keeping Melbourne Moving.
“We are delighted to be able to support these innovative and practical projects that will improve access and liveability” Ms Tierney said.
For more information on the TravelSmart and Local Area Access Program visit and