My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Public Transport in the other place, Lynne Kosky. I ask the minister to provide me with information on any future planned level crossing upgrades in the Barwon south-west region. Two weeks ago $750 000 in upgrades were completed in the Colac Otway shire, significantly improving safety for road users. In the last financial year 57 road and pedestrian level crossings were upgraded, and this financial year the Brumby government is on track to upgrade a further 46 level crossings. That is 103 level crossings to be upgraded in two years — more than the Kennett government could manage in seven years.
In the Barwon south-west region alone there have been 23 level crossing upgrades since 2000, with the latest being at Swan Marsh and Pirron Yallock.
These crossings previously had no flashing warning lights or audible warnings but now have been fitted with flashing lights to alert drivers and pedestrians to oncoming trains. These level crossing upgrades are all part of the Brumby government’s commitment to improve safety at level crossings across Victoria.
I know that the constituents in Western Victoria region, along with the many visitors who come to western Victoria, appreciate the work that has been done, and I look forward to hearing about future upgrades of level crossings in that area.
The DEPUTY PRESIDENT — Order! To ask a minister simply to provide information on future level crossing upgrades is not an action as such. I give the member an opportunity to ask the minister — —
Ms TIERNEY— Provide it to me in writing?
The DEPUTY PRESIDENT — No. The purpose of the adjournment is for the member to seek an action. We have already discussed writing letters and so forth and whether or not that constitutes an action. In this context all the member has asked for is information from the minister, which presumably could be that she has requested him to send her a future press release. That is not good enough. The member has to request some action, so perhaps she might in the time available consider whether or not there is a particular project amongst the ones she has mentioned which she would like the minister to take some specific action on.
Ms TIERNEY— I would request then, Deputy President, that an actual timetable be provided to me in writing over the next couple of weeks.
The DEPUTY PRESIDENT — Order! I will accept that.