Ms TIERNEY (Minister for Training and Skills) (11:29:38) — Also, on behalf of the government, I wish to sincerely thank the efforts of all staff, whether they be the clerks, the attendants, those working in the library, those working in catering or Hansard. It is an enormous effort, and it is that effort that makes working at Parliament so special. It might not feel so special at 2 and 3 and 4 o’clock in the morning, but the fact of the matter is that this is democracy at work and the staff play an enormous role in making sure that we get on with it.
In terms of the adjournment matters tonight, there were five. There was one from Ms Lovell to the Minister for Public Transport, calling for finances to improve the Shepparton rail line. Dr Ratnam had a matter for the Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing, seeking action on the replacement of space heaters in public housing. There was also a matter from Ms Springle in relation to marginalised youth and the government’s task force. She was seeking the terms of reference, the work plan and the time line of that task force.
There was a matter from Mr O’Donohue to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and it was in relation to an intersection and pedestrian crossing, seeking traffic safety improvements in the Punt Road-South Yarra Primary School precinct. There was also a matter from Ms Dunn to the Minister for Agriculture, asking the minister to make public the assessment report in relation to logging in the Noojee area.
I have a number of responses to adjournment matters: Ms Crozier on 15 December 2017, Mr Ondarchie on 8 February 2018, Mr Melhem on 20 February 2018, Mr Finn on 6 March 2018, Mr Morris also on 6 March 2018 and Ms Pennicuik on 8 March 2018.
The PRESIDENT — On that basis, the house stands adjourned.