Hundreds of surf coast community members have expressed their angst at the Baillieu Government signing a petition condemning the decision to cut the Take-A-Break occasional childcare funding.
Member for Western Victoria, Gayle Tierney MP today met with a number of families who use the service and will take their petition to Parliament next week.
Ms Tierney explained that many families continue to express their serious concern with the real possibility of no access to childcare services for families living in Anglesea, Lorne, Deans Marsh and Winchelsea.
“As was the case with the Baillieu Government’s threat to slash library funding, Surf Coast Shire communities are standing up and demanding the Government fund vital services that real families use, like occasional childcare.
“Cutting funding for the Take-A-Break program will at best raise the cost of occasional childcare for families, and at worst cause the service to close altogether,” Ms Tierney said.
In another blow to non-profit community organisations, it has been revealed that the centres which run the Take-A-Break Program may also lose their indemnity insurance because of the funding cuts.
“Many community houses across Victoria will now lose their Victorian Managed Insurance Agency funding because of the Baillieu Government’s cut to the Take-A-Break program.
“This means our not-for-profit community houses will also have to find an extra $2,600 a year for insurance costs on top of the money ripped out by the Baillieu Government for occasional childcare.
“Mr Baillieu just does not understand that his decision to slash funding will not just cause childcare costs to increase, but costs for all services at community houses will increase forcing families to pay more.
“Ted Baillieu promised the people of Victoria he would keep cost of living pressures down, but his continuous funding cuts all over Victoria are hitting families right where it hurts, the hip pocket,” Ms Tierney said.
The petition includes signatures from four Community Houses which currently receive Take-A-Break funding including the Anglesea Community House, Lorne Fig Tree Community House, Deans Marsh Community Cottage and Winchelsea Community House.