MS TIERNEY (Western Victoria—Minister for Training and Skills, Minister for Higher Education) (12:08:36): I again thank the member for giving me an opportunity to talk about TAFE and free TAFE. I can say that I am a little bit surprised that Ms Wooldridge, who normally conducts herself, I think, in a very, very professional manner, has put this sort of question to the house today in terms of using the words ‘mean’ and ‘incompetent’. I really thought that we were beyond that. But you need to actually look and listen and see what we are doing in this area. The fact of the matter is that we have a system here in Victoria where we have private providers, we have TAFEs, we have dual sectors and we have Learn Locals. Indeed with the Victorian training guarantee, the Victorian subsidies, everyone gets a slice of the pie. We want to make sure that there is provision of training delivery in this state that does have different training providers. (Time expired)
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