MS TIERNEY (Western Victoria—Minister for Training and Skills, Minister for Higher Education)
Incorporated pursuant to order of Council of 7 September:
I’m very pleased to draw the house’s attention to the achievements of Warrnambool and District Food Share, and to acknowledge the outstanding contribution of Dedy Friebe, who has worked tirelessly as executive officer for the last eight years.
Warrnambool and District Food Share began operating in 2013 and has expanded and grown since then.
In January this year the Andrews government invested additional funds to build their capacity to reach more than 22 communities across the region, ensuring better food relief so everyone has what they need.
Warrnambool food share has also been able to respond to natural disasters like the St Patricks Day fires, providing much-needed aid and coordination at these times.
The leadership of Dedy Friebe has been fantastic in continuously garnering support from local businesses, churches, agencies and the community for donations of food, supplies and logistics.
He has also recruited a large volunteer workforce and built connections with the local corporate partners, schools and training organisations.
His enthusiasm and dedication have meant that when there was a need to expand the service the community responded, enabling more families to be supported.
Dedy recently announced his retirement, and I thank him sincerely for his tireless work for those in the community in need of food support for the last eight years.
I congratulate Dedy and the Warrnambool food share team for their outstanding service to the community of Western Victoria.