Local schools in the Horsham and Natimuk areas have a great opportunity to save water under a Bracks Government initiative, Gayle Tierney, State MP for Western Victoria said today.
Ms Tierney explained that schools in this area are being offered a full audit of their internal water use, plus installation of water efficiency fittings and maintenance to slash their water use.
“I have written to my local schools encouraging them to take up the offer,” Ms. Tierney said.
Ms. Tierney said the program commenced last year with $3 million in funding by the Bracks Government to save water and money in schools.
“The Schools Water Efficiency Program is Victoria’s biggest indoor water saving program and the first of its type in the world.
“This program is being offered progressively to every one of Victoria’s 2300 schools over two years and about half have been invited so far.
“The auditors are specialists in indoor water systems, giving our schools low-cost solutions to achieve high-value water savings.
Ms. Tierney said it was simple and easy for local schools to join the program.
“Our schools can even enjoy this service without any outlay and pay the costs over two to three years based on estimated savings on their school’s water bills – without any upfront payment.”
“Over 200 schools have participated so far and results show schools saved an average of 14.5% of their water use, equivalent to over 40 litres a day per student and staff member.
“The value of water that has been saved in most schools would pay back the costs of water-saving measures in under three years and many within 18 months.
“When completed, the program could save up to a billion litres of water a year from simple measures such as fixing leaks, fitting flow control valves and fine-tuning existing equipment.”
Ms. Tierney said each school completing the program will be officially recognised as a Water Saver School.
“We all need to make water-saving a lifelong habit and schools can now demonstrate and promote this important activity.”
“The Schools Water Efficiency Program complements many other water saving measures introduced by the Bracks Government, including Permanent Water Saving Rules, rebates for water saving products and a tiered water pricing structure to reward water savers.”