My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Finance, WorkCover and the
Transport Accident Commission. Unfortunately an increasing number of Australians
are suffering from preventable chronic diseases, and we have heard a lot about
this in recent times. These diseases can contribute to poor health and
potentially to the risk of being injured at work. The Brumby Labor government
has undertaken a number of health promotion programs in relation to healthier
lifestyles, particularly in early childhood development. But I think it is
important that we also concentrate on health issues for middle-aged or older
Australians and encourage them to take regular health checks to ensure that any
abnormalities are detected before they cause serious harm.
Some members may be aware that WorkSafe Victoria currently has
a program called WorkHealth which gives Victorian workers an opportunity to have
a free, convenient and confidential health check at their workplace. Workers are
also provided with information and advice about their risk of chronic disease
and how to prevent these illnesses. WorkHealth has been running for many months
and, as I understand it, it has been very successful in the workplaces that have
been participating in the program.
However, I believe each and every Victorian workplace should be
aware of the excellent program and should be able to participate in it. I call
on the minister to promote the WorkHealth program in as many workplaces as
possible, in particular in rural and regional Victoria. I also seek from the
minister a schedule of the program as it applies to workplaces in western