My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Planning, Justin Madden. It is in
relation to the Creating Better Places program and an application for funding by
the Golden Plains Shire Council for the Bruces Creek open space corridor
I had the opportunity of having a tour of the area several
months ago with members of the shire. They were able to show me firsthand
exactly what this project is about. Essentially it is a development that will
eventually join both parts of Bannockburn. As we know, Bannockburn is one of the
fastest growing towns in one of the fastest growing shires in Victoria. This
development will create open spaces. There are a number of other sporting
facilities and a number of other projects that we have got under way in that
My adjournment matter is simply to ask the minister to
seriously consider the funding of the Bruces Creek open space corridor project
from the Creating Better Places program as it will have enormous benefits to the
Golden Plains shire.
Mr Koch interjected.
Ms TIERNEY — You have got the wrong one, Mr Koch. We see
this as a fundamental starting block to a whole range of other things that we
have got under way in the area.