A $67 million funding boost from the Brumby Labor Government will improve safety on metropolitan and regional roads across Victoria, including a $160,000 boost for Tyrendarra, Western Victorian MP Gayle Tierney announced today.
“The Brumby Labor Government is building a better transport network for Victoria, providing important road safety upgrades for local communities,” Ms Tierney said.
“We are taking action to improve our road network, investing $650 million over 10 years for road safety improvements through the Safer Road Infrastructure Program.
“This latest funding boost will deliver improvements to a further 77 intersections and 17 lengths of road across the state that have a record of run-off-road crashes.
“Over the past five years, run-off-road crashes have accounted for 40 per cent of fatalities and 28 per cent of serious injuries on Victorian roads.”
Under this current funding boost, Ettrick – Tyrendarra Road will get $160,000 to improve safety and reduce the number and severity of run-off-road crashes.
“The works will include delineation and guard railing on the Ettrick – Tyrendarra Road.”
“This is a great result for the local community and the many motorists who use the Ettrick – Tyrendarra Road every day.”
Ms Tierney said while Victoria recorded historic low road tolls over the last seven years, the Brumby Labor Government remained committed to further reducing road trauma.
“Improving safety on outer metropolitan and regional roads is a key focus of this Government’s arrive alive strategy, which aims to cut the road toll and reduce serious injuries on our roads by a further 30 per cent by 2017,” Ms Tierney said.
The Victorian Government has spent more than $7.5 billion to improve roads since 1999, including $3 billion for regional and rural Victorian roads.
The Safer Road Infrastructure Program is developed and delivered by VicRoads, and funded by the Transport Accident Commission.