Victoria’s annual Apollo Bay Music Festival has received $10,000 through a Brumby Government program to boost tourism and support local jobs.
“The Brumby Government continues to support tourism in Victoria which helps to boost economic activity and protect jobs,” Member for Western Victoria, Gayle Tierney MP said.
“In 2010, the Apollo Bay Music Festival is celebrating its 18th successful year and will feature an exciting line-up of national and international artists.
“This Festival is an outstanding regional event, which was recently recognised when it won the Regional Arts Victoria Contemporary Cultural Development Award,” Ms Tierney said.
“The Apollo Bay Music Festival is also an important tourism driver for our region, with about a third of attendees coming from Melbourne to the region for the Festival weekend.
“In 2009, more than 3,300 people attended the Apollo Bay Music Festival, which was a great result so soon after the devastating February bushfires,” Ms Tierney said.
“These visitors stay in accommodation along the Great Ocean Road, dine at local restaurants and cafes and shop in local areas.
“The Great Ocean Road region is renowned for its stunning natural beauty, and the Apollo Bay Music Festival gives visitors the opportunity to discover the strong cultural scene, great food and wine and touring that the region offers,” Ms Tierney said.
“The 2010 Apollo Bay Music Festival will be held from Friday, 26 to Sunday, 28 March and promises to build on the success of the last 17 years.
Ms Tierney said that since 2002, the State Government has provided $63,000 to support the Apollo Bay Music Festival through Tourism Victoria.
“This year, the Brumby Government funding will support tourism marketing of the event in Victorian and interstate markets to bring even more visitors to the region for the Festival.
“As Victoria continues to recover from the February bushfires, the Brumby Government is supporting events in regional areas,” Ms Tierney said.
“I congratulate the Apollo Bay Music Festival on its 18th year and look forward to a very successful event in 2010,” Ms Tierney said.
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