Young people in the Glenelg Shire will be making a move during National Youth Week, with the Glenelg Shire Council’s Rural Youth Festival.
The Rural Youth Festival is a series of events and activities including stalls, workshops, presentations and displays, with youth related information, activities and social events
Member for Western Victoria, Gayle Tierney said National Youth Week is a great opportunity for people aged from 12 to 25 years to be involved in creating, planning and running their own events for their friends and other young people in their community.
“National Youth Week runs from 28 March until 5 April this year and is Australia’s largest annual celebration of young people,” Ms Tierney said.
“This year’s theme is Make a Move and it is aimed at encouraging young people to get involved in their community.”
The Glenelg Shire Council received a $2,000 National Youth Week 2009 Grant from the Brumby Government and beyondblue: the national depression initiative to stage the event.
Ms Tierney said the Brumby Government and beyondblue have given more than $165,000 to 71 community organisations across Victoria to help them work with young people to deliver local National Youth Week events.
The Minister for Sport, Recreation and Youth Affairs, James Merlino said National Youth Week is a great opportunity for young people to connect with each other, share ideas and have fun.
“Young people will be staging some fantastic events this year during National Youth Week,” Mr Merlino said.
“There is something for everyone – from discussion forums and art exhibitions to sports, music and film festivals.”
“National Youth Week celebrates Victoria’s incredible young people and their contribution to our communities,” he said.
beyondblue CEO Leonie Young said: “beyondblue is pleased to be involved in National Youth Week because it has a focus on activities that improve the self-esteem, resilience and wellbeing of young people within their communities.”
“It helps promote their achievements, build social networks and is a great way for them to have fun in a safe and positive way,” Ms Young said.
For more information about National Youth Week 2009, visit The National website will also feature the full program and will be updated regularly in the lead-up to National Youth Week.
For information about depression and anxiety, and how to help someone, visit or call 1300 22 4636 (local call cost).