The Victorian Government has provided more than $54,000 to Colac Otway Shire Council towards the redevelopment of the Colac Lions Park, the Member for Western Victoria, Gayle Tierney MP announced today.
Ms Tierney said the grant will help the Council redevelop the Lions Park, which is an important community space and is also a key entry point to the town.
“This park is the first thing visitors see when they enter Colac and even in its current condition is very popular with both tourists and locals – so we are sure this upgrade will result in even greater use after completion,” Ms Tierney said.
“The project will include installing new barbecues, shelters, tables, and seating as well as improved facilities and car parking, together with new landscaping in the park which will feature indigenous vegetation.”
Ms Tierney said the grant, along with $51,000 from the Commonwealth Government, will be a much-needed investment in the visual improvement of Colac.
“This is a project that will have an immediate benefit to the town – local people will have a more pleasant space where they can come together and can feel proud of the upgraded park presented to visitors when they arrive in the town.”
The project will also include making the park more accessible for the local community, with pathways to link to the existing path on the south side of Murray Street to the Visitor Information Centre park area.
This pathway forms a section of the Lake Colac/Barongarook Creek corridor pathway network.
Ms Tierney said the funding to the Lions Park was through the $43 million Sustainable Small Towns Development Fund, part of the Victorian Government’s Ready for Tomorrow regional blueprint.
“This means small towns will receive stronger support than ever before while still being able to share in the remaining $581 million worth of initiatives under our regional blueprint over the next five years,” Ms Tierney said.
“Every small council also had to approve, and have a say on, their region’s strategic plan presented to Government.
“This ensures that as regions grow, so do the prosperity and number of opportunities for people living in small communities.”
Ready for Tomorrow: A Blueprint for Regional and Rural Victoria, is the Victorian Government’s $631 million policy to generate new opportunities and build a prosperous and sustainable future for regional and rural Victoria.